Diversify your harvest and make the most of your landscape by incorporating edible perennial plants, like fruit trees, fruiting shrubs, hardy herbs, and more. Many plants that produce a crop are also attractive and can serve as both seasonal structure and a valuable piece of your edible garden.
What’s covered:
How to select, site, and care for fruiting trees and shrubs;
Low-fuss edible perennials that make great ornamental/edible additions;
Edible flowers and hardy herbs to consider;
And more!
We’ll wrap up with some time for Q&A - bring your edible perennial questions!
Price: $10 - $30 sliding scale
*Webinars are offered on a sliding scale in an effort to support home gardeners at all income levels. During registration you will be able to add onto the base price ($10) if you choose to.
**Only debit/credit card payment is offered through online registration. To pay by cash or check please register by emailing radishgardens@gmail.com.